Chloe’s Class

Hi from Chloe B’s 4th class!

2024 February:

In PE we have started preparations for the upcoming Seachtain na Gaeilge by learning our Irish dance. Our class dance is The Fairy Reel – Cór na Síog. We are practising the dance in groups of 6 people, 3 facing 3. There are a lot of complicated parts to the dance but we managed to get it right in our practises so far. We are looking forward to the ceili – it will be fun!

Also in PE we have started swimming lessons at the National Aquatic Centre on Tuesdays. We have enjoyed going there on the bus and gaining confidence in the water so far! We are looking forward to the rest of our lessons.

We are excited that it is now springtime. We were inspired by Vincent Van Gogh’s Iris painting to create our own art pieces. We used blue, green, purple, yellow, brown and white paint to create our own lovely artwork.


Say Yes to Languages – We have been lucky to get the opportunity to learn French! Our French teacher is called Alice. She visits our class on Tuesdays and we have been learning French songs, phrases and words.

We have started learning the tracks for the Big Sing concert which will be taking place in April 2024. The 3rd and 4th class children from ACETNS are participating in this programme this year. There are a wide range of fun songs and we are enjoying singing together! 60 children from 3rd and 4th class will be performing in The Big Sing show on the 15th April.

In SESE we have been studying Italy. We used chromebooks to gather information and made our open projects on Italy.

December: We had fun at the Christmas assembly. We performed Rocking Around The Christmas Tree.

Intercultural week 4th – 8th December. Our class was learning about South Africa. An interesting fact is that South Africa has three capital cities! 

We really enjoyed taking part in the Cycle Safe course. We learned a lot.

November: We learned about Diwali.

Keep checking our class page for more updates!

Eyazhini, Udbhav, Olivia, Aaron


We have been working together since we came back to school in September. We voted for our class reps. They are:

Yellow flag rep – Eman

Student council rep – Maria

Green schools rep – Eimear

In September we drew self portraits. We wrote words that describe our personalities in the background. We also wrote things that we like. They represent us! We enjoyed creating them.

We talked about the seasons. We are now in the season of autumn. In art we mixed different coloured paints to make different shades of autumn colours like orange, brown, yellow, red and purple. We painted lovely autumn paintings.

It was Space Week last week. In science lessons we talked a lot about space. We had fun being creative and we designed our own planets in art. 

We went on class visits to the AstroTurf. We had lots of fun!

In geography we talked about Co. Dublin. We researched facts about Dublin on the chrome books and we made projects on Dublin in google slides. We will be presenting them soon!

In history we learned about schools in the past and how they were different from our lovely school today. We learned that long ago schools used corporal punishment but that is illegal now! It has been illegal to use corporal punishment in schools in Ireland since 1982.

Our school has 6 golden rules:

  • We are respectful and kind
  • We listen
  • We are honest
  • We are helpful
  • We work together

We discussed these rules at the first senior assembly in September.

We have been talking about our heritage languages. At last Friday’s senior assembly Jouri represented our class and taught everyone how to say “Hello” in Arabic.

More updates to come!

Eimear, Maria, Jouri, Eman, Leon