Yellow Flag

What is the yellow flag??
The Yellow Flag Programme provides a practical series of 8 steps that brings issues of interculturalism, equality and diversity into the whole-school programme and allows schools to apply them to the day to day running of the school. It works with students, staff, management, parents and wider community groups so that issues of diversity and equality are not merely seen as “school subjects” but can be understood and taken outside the school setting into everyone’s personal lives.
The Yellow Flag programme is an award scheme, therefore; on completing these steps, and being assessed externally, the school is awarded its “Yellow Flag” in recognition of its work in promoting diversity & inclusion. To find out more click Yellow Flag.

Meet our Yellow Flag Committee 2021/2022

Take a look at our video here:


Our Yellow Flag Committee have been learning all about respect. The yellow flag has been responsible for promoting respect in our school.

At the start of the month, Our committee had a discussion about what respect means to us and how important it is in our school community.

We then decided on a whole school display based on respect. Every student in every class designed a ‘hand of respect’, showing what they think about respect and what respect looks like to them

Respect is so important among staff and pupils at ACETNS and we are proud to have such a respectful school environment.

Intercultural week 
We celebrated another great Intercultural week in December again this year. Children learned a great deal about one particular country in their classes. Then on the ‘Day of travel’ children used their passports and travelled around the school to learn about other countries’ cultures and nationalities. We also had a food fair, where children brought in traditional food from their countries and set up a table in the hall to allow everyone to taste the variety of foods. The parents association were a great help in organizing this with the student council and as always it was a roaring success. The children were so eager to explain the work that went into their foods and it was lovely to see everyone trying everything and finding new things they liked.