Intercultural week ran from Monday the 4th – Friday 8th of December 2023 in ACETNS.
It was a great week full of interesting opportunities to share all of the fabulous, vibrant cultures represented in our school community – Well done everyone!
Each class were assigned a country to learn about.
Thanks to the Yellow Flag Committee for assigning countries to each class.
Each class explored traditions, symbols, celebrations, famous people, landmarks, history, geography and the arts in their given country. Parents were invited to speak, children were encouraged to get books from the library, teachers decorated their classes with their pupils and projects were created (in school and at home) by children exploring their classes assigned country.
Here is an overview of the week:
Monday and Tuesday
We focussed on the Heritage Languages of the children in our classes.
Day of Travel – each class had an opportunity to go to other classes and learn about different countries.
Food Fair – each class visited the school hall and sampled the delicious, wide range of cuisine from the diverse countries and cultures represented in our school community! Thank you families for providing the amazing food.
Friday – 2 assemblies, junior & senior. The Yellow Flag Committee gave a presentation and all classes looked at photos of the week. Everyone was invited to wear their traditional clothing, a sport’s jersey or a colour to represent their heritage country.
Take a look at some of the photos from the week: Intercultural Week Slide Show
Monthly sending of the summary of the activities carried out and future ones.