Seachtain na Gaeilge 2023

This week we have been celebrating Seachtain na Gaeilge in our school. This is a fantastic week, during which we celebrate our Irish Language and culture.

The week kicked off with some Orienteering challenges for the Junior Classes and a Tráth na gCeist for the Seniors. It was great fun and a great opportunity for the children to practice speaking Gaeilge an t-am ar fad!

On Tuesday both Junior and Senior Classes had a Céilí, Anna Rose guided the classes through their dances and did a fantastic job running the event.

On Wednesday we had our paráid around Adamstown, the classes were busy in the build up, creating lots of beautiful flags, banners and decorations for the event!! So many children put a fantastic effort into dressing up too!

Despite the rain, our parade was a roaring success, with parents, teachers and children alike really getting into the spirit of things!!