Whole School Plan
Adamstown Castle ETNS
Introductory Statement and Rationale
This plan was formulated by all members of the teaching staff of ACETNS during staff meetings and School Planning Days.
This plan describes our agreed approach to taching mathematics. It is primarily for ourselves as a staff to ensure consistency and continuity in our approach and to help improve the pupils’ learning of Maths. The plan conforms to the principles of learning outlined in the Primary School Curriculum.
n Vision and Aims
(a) Vision:
One of our principal aims at Adamstown Castle ETNS is to help each child develop to his/her full potential. We aim to develop in the child, a positive atitude towards mathematics as a subject. It is our hope that when a child leaves 6th class he/she will be able to recall basic number facts, think logically, solve problems, interpret data and have the Mathematical skills to lead a full life as a child and later as an adult.
(b) Aims:
We endorse the aims of the Primary School Curriculum for mathematics:
Content of Plan
The content taught in our school is guided by the Primary School Curriculum (1999)
1. Strands and Strand Units:
The curriculum is divided into five strands
1. Number 2.Algebra 3.Shape and Space 4. Measures 5. Data
For content overview see Curriculum: Infants p.17; First & Second classes p. 37; Third & Fourth classes p.61; Fifth & Sixth classes p. 85 2. Approaches and Methodologies: In the mathematics curriculum the strands and strand units are viewed through the lens of the approaches and methodologies. (Refer to Teacher Guidelines: Mathematics pp. 30 – 67)
2.1 General To ensure that all children are provided with the opportunity to access the full range (all strands) of the mathematics curriculum, the following approaches and methodologies are adopted in our school.
Pupils use estimation across the strands and not just in numbers. (Ideas for estimation: Appendix 1)
2.2 Talk and Discussion Discussion skills
– Turn taking – Active listening – Positive response to the opinions of others – Confidence in putting forward an opinion – Ability to explain clearly their point of view.
Mathematical Language in context
Number facts
When do we begin rote learning of tables? Are the children aware of the commutative properties of multiplication tables and of their relationship with division? Do we teach subtraction and division tables separately or as part of addition and multiplication? 2.3. Active Learning
Opportunities for the children to learn in a real and enjoyable way are provided through involvement in a wide variety of mathematical activities in the classroom, in the school and in the local area.
2.4. Collaborative and co-operative learning This will be promoted through the use of maths games such as: · Dominoes · Cards · Games using Dice · Buzz · Bingo · Tables games · Snakes and Ladders · Draughts They will learn the skills of group work by: · Being assigned individual tasks within groups. · Recording. · Being given leadership roles. · Alternating responsibilities. · Being involved in buddy systems. · Devising questions. Each class will engage in a variety of organisational skills such as pair work, group work and whole class work. 2.5 Problem-solving
*ROSE – Read, Organise, Solve, Evaluate (Appendix 6)
2.6 Using the Environment
2.7 Skills Through Content
(See Teacher Guidelines: Mathematics pp. 68-69)
¾ Applying and problem solving, e.g. selecting appropriate materials and processes in science ¾ Communicating and expressing, e.g. discussing and explaining the processes used to map an area in geography ¾ Integrating and connecting, e.g. recognising mathematics in the environment ¾ Reasoning, e.g. exploring and investigating patterns and relationships in music ¾ Implementing, e.g. using mathematics as an everyday life skill ¾ Understanding and recalling, e.g. understanding and recalling terminology, facts, definitions, and formulae
(Textbook : New Wave Mental Maths – 4th to 6th Class)
3. Assessment and Record Keeping:
· Assessment is used to direct teaching and learning · The staff look at results on both a class and a school basis to see if there are areas of Mathematics to be improved. · Standardised tests (SIGMA T) are administered in May at each class level. · Teachers ensure that a broad range of assessment tools is being used. – Teacher observation – Teacher designed tests and tasks – Projects and work samples – Mastery records – Diagnostic tests – Standardised tests
4. Children with Different Needs: 4.1 Children with Learning Difficulties · The class teacher implements the school policies on screening and selecting pupils for supplementary teaching in Mathematics. · The teacher may adjust the classroom programme for those in receipt of learning support in line with agreed learning targets. · ICT is used regularly to support teaching and learning for children with special needs. · With regard to pupils receiving supplementary mathematics learning support, as much of the mainstream programme is to be taught as possible. 4.2 Children with Exceptional Ability · Children of exceptional ability (as identified in through standardised test/other assessments) are assigned differentiated work by their class teacher. Good use is made of ICT in this area.
5. Equality of Participation and Access:
· Special provisions will be made or additional support will be given to children in order to ensure equality of participation and access to the maths curriculum for all pupils. Where necessary time for Language Support may be used within the class to support children with English as an Additional Language.
6. Timetable:
As per the Primary School Curriculum for Mathematics (1999) the following time is allotted to the teaching of Mathematics in our school.
Junior and Senior Infants: 2hr 15mins (per week) First to Sixth Class: 3hrs (per week)
If necessary, discretionary curriculum time will be used by teachers to give additional time for the teaching of mathematics, particularly in senior classes and in the multi-class setting.
7. Homework:
each individual teacher in accordance with the school’s homework policy.
8. Copies and Layout of Work
8.1 Formation of Numerals · Methodologies used in the infant classes to teach number formation include; drawing in sand,drawing on sandpaper, creating numbers with play-dough, drawing rainbow numbers etc · Rhymes are use to help children remember how to form numbers correctly. (Appendix 7)
8.2 Copies · Children are taught to write only one numeral in each square and this is continued up through all class levels. · Children are taught about importance of neat and organised work, especially in computation.
9. Textbooks
Junior Infants – Maths Aid Senior Infants – Action Maths First – Sixth Class – Mathemagic
10. Resources
11. Individual Teachers’ Planning and Reporting:
12. Staff Development:
13. Parental Involvement – Home School Links: · Parents are encouraged to support and take an active role in the school’s programme. Individual Parent/Teacher meetings are held in Term 1 each year. Teachers and parents are afforded the opportunity to discuss each individual child’s progress in Maths and other subjects. Parents and teachers also have opportunities to make individual arrangements to discuss matters of relevance at other times throughout the school year.
Success Criteria
The success of this plan will be assessed by using –
(a) Roles and Responsibilities: All staff members have a role and responsibility in the implementation of this plan in our school. The distribution of this plan to all members of staff and the monitoring and updating of mathematical resources lies with the school’s co-ordinator of Whole School Planning. (b) Timeframe: This school plan will be implemented as of and from September 2010. |
The plan will be monitored by all members of staff under the guidance of the principal. The first formal review will take place in the school year of 2013/2014.
Ratification and Communication
This plan was ratified by the Board of Management in _____________ Each teacher has received a copy and it is also available in the School Office. Parents will be informed in the September 2010 newsletter that they can access the plan through the school’s website; www.acetns.ie.
Adamstown Castle ETNS Mathematics Whole School Plan
Appendix 1
Ideas for Estimation
Estimate within the number limits for each class. Also Curriculum p.32-34.
Infants: i.e. Extending Pattern: What comes next? 2,4,6,8,?
1st & 2nd:What is 18 plus 5? Estimate 18 plus 15.Check using the 100 square.
3rd & 4th: 36 = 3 x ÿ. Will the answer be >10? How do you know?
5th& 6th: Estimate what a kilometre of pennies is worth? Check using a
Infants: Estimate how many matchboxes will cover the book?
1st & 2nd Estimate how many matchboxes will fit into the cube?
3rd & 4th Estimate if an angle is > < = a right angle?
5th & 6th Estimate how much greater the measurement of the circumference of
a circle is to the diameter.
Infants: Is the string longer/shorter than your pencil?
1st & 2nd: Guess how many postcards will cover the table?
Infants: Is the beach ball heavier than the golf-ball?
3rd & 4th: Are you heavier/lighter than 20 bags of sugar?
5th & 6th: Estimate how many millilitres of water would fill a cup.
Check using a graduated beaker.
Infants: How many times can you touch the wall and run back before
the egg-timer runs out.
1st & 2nd:Estimate how many 15c lollipops can you buy with 50c?
Check by subtracting the coins in a shop context.
Infants: Estimate how many children in the class have blonde hair?
1st & 2nd : What is the most popular car colour in the school car park?
Estimate how many for that colour and check.
3rd & 4th: Estimate what fraction of the class play camogie/hurling?
Check your answer.
5th & 6th: Estimate your chances of getting 2 heads tossing two coins.
Do the coin tossing. Convert your answer to a decimal and %.
Adamstown Castle ETNS Appendix 5
Whole School Plan for Mathematics
Ideas for creating mathematical trails
do you need?
your answer.
months, years?
decimals or fractions, if necessary).
________ how long will the journey take?
dollars would I get for €100?
Now make one half turn. Where are you facing?
less/more than a right angle.
words:first, second, third, fourth.
______. Round this number to the nearest thousand.
each person paid 50p to enter how much money would be paid in total?
children how many would each child get?
What is the difference between the two?
is the number in Hindu-Arabic numerals?
minutes. Show this on a graph. Why do more lorries than cars pass at
this time?
Appendix 6
Word Problems
Attend the Key Words
Choose Numbers
Check your answer
? The ROSE Approach
(a) Read the problem aloud several times to make sure there isn’t a reading
barrier in the way of the mathematics of the problem.
(b) Discuss the mathematical language of the problem e.g. what does the word
“product” mean?
(c) If a problem uses large numbers repeat the problem using simpler numbers.
(d) If a problem uses fractions or decimals repeat the problem using whole
numbers only. This makes it easier for pupils to make an estimate and
understand the problem.
(e) Get the pupils to paraphrase problems in their own words. Create a similar
problem using different numbers and/or pupils can change the numbers in the
(f) Draw a diagram of the information given.
(g) Choose appropriate equipment to solve the problem, e.g. balance, measuring
instrument, calculator, and blocks.
Organise the problem into its distinct mathematical operations. Put these in a number
sentence. The usual operations are addition, subtraction, multiplication and division
but other methods which are used in problem-solving include the unitary method (eg
12 sweets cost 84c, find the cost of 5 sweets. Hint: Find the cost of one first) and
formulae like the one for area (Length by width equals area). Initially encourage
pupils to deduce their own formulae.
Solve the problem by relating the parts of the problem to one another. This involves
the skill of implementing as outlined on pages 68-69 in the Teacher Guidelines.
Evaluate the solution to the problem. Does it make sense in relation to the estimate?
Monthly sending of the summary of the activities carried out and future ones.