This week is active week in the school so we are out and about getting fit and healthy and having fun!!
Aerobics will be in the hall from 8.25 (First 20 children present)
Drop Everything And Dance will be at 8.50 every morning in class, so don’t be late!!
Teachers are doing extra P.E./ games around the school and active homework has been set for the week.
Each class ran around the big yard as many times as they could in 10 minutes. The average total number of laps per class is on the Active School Notice Board.
At 11.15 Junior children walked to a nearby park and Senior children walked to the pitch, where they had a picnic and played for an hour.
At 1.30 the teachers will play basketball against the 6th class….. score to be posted….
At 10.40 in the hall there will be a Junior Disco.
At 11.20 in the hall there will be a Senior Disco.
Sports day has been postponed till next Wednesday 14th, if weather allows.
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